
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Trip to France (Cote d'Azur)

A new trip means new knives, at least for me... My wife took the gps and added three new addresses for some random coutelleries (knife-shops) and souvenir shops. In Monaco I found the Spartan with the Cote d'Azur scales and in Nice I stumbled upon 2 of the five limited "Traces" classics. In Cannes, after a lot of searching, I found an old knife shop with some nice custom knives, but a limited Victorinox offer. When he opened the Victorinox display box, I noticed a rather unusual box with the France 98 - world cup logo. This limited Spartan with the France 98 mascotte was offered during the world cup "hype". I didn't hesitate and bought it for a rather high price (36 Euro). Again a trip I won't forget!

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