These knives are real collectables, because, according to the guy who sold me the knives, they can only be obtained by someone who enlisted the Swiss Army... Let's hope he's right. :) The black one with the Armed Forces Joint Staff emblem was the easy one to find information about, but the one with the International Relations emblem is one big mystery. On the official Swiss Army website, I've found everything I needed to know from Armed Forces Joint Staff. The other one is, as far as I know, a military division that maintains all International relations... Here's some information I've "borrowed" from the official site...
Armed Forces Joint Staff (AFJS)
The main task of the Armed Forces Joint Staff (AFJS) comprises planning as well as command and control of operations and missions of the Swiss Armed Forces in Switzerland and abroad that involve several services (JOINT) and have not been delegated to either land forces or air force or to the centres of competence. Apart from continual appraisal of the situation and permanent control of the situation, the AFJS is also responsible for the supervision and support of militia military personnel and military recruitment. As assigned by the Chief of the Armed Forces the AFJS issues the directives for basic readiness of the armed forces, regular annual substantial readiness instructions as well as the service rota and multi-year armed forces planning. –The AFJS thus defines which services the armed forces are obliged to provide in the short and medium term. In the form of orders and directives the Armed Forces Joint Staff lays down what has to be achieved in the fields of training, logistics, command and control and human resources and it measures to what extent targets have been met.

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